Posts tagged “documentary

Rock Icons Episode – Heavy Metal God Rob Halford of Judas Priest



My love affair with the world of metal began in middle school when one of my friends was listening to Judas Priest’s “Metal Meltdown.” She said, “Hey, you gotta check this out.” I put the headphones to my ear and it was like a bolt of electricity was shot straight into my brain.

Now this isn’t to say I wasn’t already a fan of rock music. I grew up listening to my dad’s music collection of 60’s and 70’s rock legends like Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Later on I was introduced to the “Nu Metal” trend of bands like Korn, and also rap/rock groups like Linkin Park (Yes, I’m admitting that I listened to Korn and Linkin Park).

But when Judas Priest entered my life, it was like everything I once thought was great paled in comparison to the awesome power of these raw and brutal Metal Deities.
What I really like about this video above is it does more than explain the creation of a type of music, it describes the birth of a Metal Legend and a way of life. Judas Priest wasn’t just some ordinary band, they developed the Heavy Metal leather rebel look, they pioneered the Heavy Metal sound.

Heavy Metal really has helped a lot of people get through the most difficult times of their life because it gives them a sense of invincibility and power. There are times in my life too that I felt weak and helpless, but when I fired up the Heavy Metal and blasted it out of the speakers of my car, I felt like I could do anything.

All hail the Metal God Rob Halford! \M/

Home – A Documentary About Man’s Interaction With the Earth


HOME: WATCH DOCUMENTARY HERE (Embedding is disabled)

“We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth’s climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.”

HOME official website

PPR is proud to support HOME

HOME is a carbon offset movie

More information about the Planet

Documentary of The Life, Culture and Legacy of Vikings (4 Hours!)

Blood is red, 

Bruises are blue, 

Axes smash faces 

And these vikings are gonna kill you!

And….that’s the extent of my Valentines day poetry. Enjoy the film above!


(Sorry I haven’t posted much lately, I’ve been seriously sick.

When I kick this cold’s butt, I will pillage your wordpress feed with even more exciting metal vids and articles!

Stay tuned…)

When God Was a Woman, BBC Religion Documentary

A documentary that tracks the history of the female divine, a brutal force of both life and death. 

This documentary tracks the history of the Goddess from the beginning of human history to modern India

Throughout history, The Goddess was revered as a force of life and death.

Some of her rites were even bloody and involved self-mutilation.

One such rite was in Rome, where priests would castrate themselves before the “Magna Mater” – Great Mother, or when a priest would shower himself in the blood of a sacrificed bull. Twice, the “Magna Mater” saved Rome. The first time was against the invasion from Carthage. The second, was when Augustus Caesar ended the endless civil wars and ushered in the Pax Romana (100 years of peace).

This documentary ends in modern India, where the Goddess is still worshiped in a colorful and passionate display.

Can the great and terrifying Magna Mater help us with today’s problems in the modern world? I think she can.

Secrets of the Viking Sword

The Vikings were some of the fiercest warriors of their time.

Some of them carried a mysterious sword,

a sword far better than any other sword made before or since in Europe.

The secrets of its creation and use have been lost

Yet now modern day blacksmiths are about to recreate this ancient weapon:

The legendary ulfberht

Journey’s End – Icelandic Saga on Film

Coming Out in Spring 2013

A Six Part TV Series That Examines The Sagas From Archaeological and Literature Point of View.

Will be premiering in Iceland.

Trailer Found Here in Case Video Doesn’t Work .

A Documentary On The Ancient Celts

Much of the information we have about the Ancient Celts was recorded by the Romans. And much of that information is a complete lie. The Romans presented the Ancient Celts as uncivilized, uneducated and uncultured barbarians. This is the picture we’ve had of the Celts for the last 1,000 years.

Yet the archaeological evidence presented in this documentary proves otherwise. We see a buried world unearthed: A society of people who had astronomy more advanced than the Romans, sophisticated engineering, a trade network that reached Africa and Asia and complex metal working.

These weren’t a perfect people, but they were a society that had rules obligating the respect of women, children and the elderly. Meanwhile in Rome they believed in Pater Familia, a system where the male head of the family was the only one with rights. A system in which a father had the legal authority to put his wife and children to death.

While the Romans destroyed Celtic Druids under claims that these druids were performing barbaric human sacrifices – the Romans were killing thousands in the Gladiatorial games for their own amusement.

So who were the real barbarians?