Archive for September, 2012

Modern Day Amazons

Ukraine is a country where many women  experience daily oppression and get trafficked into Sex Slavery against their will. However, a group of women in the Carpathian mountains have taken matters into their own hands by grabbing a hold of swords and battle axes. These sword swinging warriors have declared complete autonomy from men. They have called themselves Asgarda and have revived the traditions of the ancient Scythian Amazons of Greek legend. They spend their time in the mountains learning martial arts and other life skills to empower themselves as women.

Check out the link below to see more on a tale of women “brandishing braids, battle axes and boxing gloves (Jenna Martin).”

(DISCLAIMER: I did not make this post as some kind of statement against men. This is a blog that is merely interested in people who embrace ancient traditions in modern times. For this group of ladies, they have found refuge in the traditions of their ancient Amazonian sisters. I respect whatever life style choice people choose for themselves.)

Mooshroom 1 Up

Okay. This isn’t the usual kind of post I make. But my boyfriend is currently in a t-shirt contest and this is his shirt. If you are a fan of minecraft and mario be sure to check out his design and vote on it. Thank you and have a blessed weekend!


One up Mooshroom

Battlesoul – Wolf

Rocking Out to Bagpipes – Oh Yeah…


Lyrical Themes: Celtic, History, War, Anti-Christian

Location: London/Goderich, Ontario

Deep in the snowy bowels of Canada…and London…a group of warriors combined forces to bring the world Celtic Metal/Folk Metal Music. They incorporate melodies produced by real Celtic instruments into their sound. The bagpipes always make me feel battle ready. It must be in the blood. So if you are a warrior soul, put some Battlesoul on your ipod and rock out to the bagpipes.

Coconut Revolution (The World’s First Eco-Revolution)


“One: We are fighting for man and his culture.

Two: We are fighting for the environment.

Three: We are fighting for independence.”

~ Francis Ona (Former President of Bougainville)

This is the amazing story of an island people who stood up to a major western super power and won.

Through the 1970’s and 80’s, the giant mining corporation Rio Tinto Zinc set up one of the world’s biggest copper mines in Bougainville (an island in Papua New Guinea).

This company shuffled the native people off into make shift settlements on desolate ground and paid them only 1,000th of the total earnings accumulated in the mine. It didn’t take long for the local environment to be destroyed by run off minerals. Pollution flooded into nearby rivers and rendered the water undrinkable for the next 200 years.

When the local people of Bougainville tried to sue the mining company for damages, they were laughed at. From there, the native people fought a revolution first against the Papua New Guinea government, then against Australia and won through the power of their own innovation, spiritual strength and commitment to the land.

At first they only had sticks and stones. Yet over time they learned how to make their own guns, booby traps and created home-made coconut fuel for their boats and jeeps.

They learned many lessons from the land – including one that we in the West need to learn: Energy Independence. Their coconut fuel is cleaner than Diesel and provides twice the mileage.

This is truly an inspiring documentary. I believe many more Eco-Revolutions will unfold around the world as the corrupt forces of greed in the Modern World fall apart on themselves.

Nature has many lessons to teach us if we are willing to listen. The industrialized world has existed for around 300 years and modern humans for 40,000 years. Yet nature is a truth with 5 billion years of  experience in the making. It is a system with the perfect balance of order and chaos. The fight for man’s culture, environment and independence is not just the fight of Bougainville – this is the fundamental war of our time.

Spiritual Advice for The Day

Argggh…It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day You Land Lubbers!

Alestorm – Keelhauled 


Get your booty on deck and shake what your momma gave you! It’s that swashbuckling time of year again where we talk like pirates and kill all the land lubbers. So enjoy this day with some Alestorm, raid a few ships, grab a wench and keep the rum flowing. If you wake up tomorrow with a hang over, just keep drinking and you’ll feel better. Nothing better than a little hair of the dog that bit you.

Lessons From Nature

Words to live by…

Arkona ~ Pokrovy Nebesnogo Startsa


Much harsher than other Arkona songs I’ve heard. Vocalist sounds like she ate the incredible hulk for breakfast. Love it!

Does the Male Deity Get Enough Attention in Modern Paganism?

Picture Found HERE

Is it just me, or does modern Pagan spirituality feel like a hot dog bun fest? Much of the material I come in contact with emphasizes the power of the Goddess, the feminine divine that is necessary for creation. Yet the God, in comparison, merely tags along in the shadows as the Goddess’s consort. In particular, this mostly seems to occur in the Wiccan branches of Paganism. Not so much on the Heathen side of the spectrum.

This tendency to focus more on the feminine aspect of creation is not necessarily a bad thing. I see no problem with Dianic Wiccans that set themselves aside to focus purely on The Goddess. By the same turn, I see nothing wrong with Male Mysteries that focus purely on a God like Apollo or Dionysus.

Yet there are often situations when Pagans claim to worship both the male and female aspects of the divine…but seem to worship the female aspect just a tad more.

Why does the Goddess end up eclipsing the God in modern Paganism? Here is my theory:

Modern Paganism is a reaction against modern day, Patriarchal religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism

2,000 years of worshiping a male God only has created quite the unbalance. Many people retreating from the major world religions have sought refuge by flocking into the opposite direction – by seeking refuge in the bosom of a more maternal Deity: Wise and white armed Athena, powerful Diana, Inspiring Bridget, Beautiful Freya etc.

Many in the Neo-Pagan traditions have re-created the ancient world to be a Matriarchy. Those in the occult are familiar with Aleister Crowley’s Age of Isis. He believed there were three ages of history:

The age of Isis, the age of Osiris, and the age of Horus.

The age of Isis represents the beginning of human history. Crowley believed this was a peaceful age that was more Matriarchal. People lived in small communities in which Priestesses had power and influence over the village.

I do believe that women definitely had more power in Pre-Christian times. However, I have talked to some Pagans who have said absurd things – such as there were only Priestesses and no Priests in the beginning of human history (we’re talking the Neolithic Era).

First of all. There is still much uncertainty that shrouds the ancient world. Much of the Pre-Christian temples, scrolls and texts were burned when Christianity came along. Also, the evidence that points to a “Goddess dominated society” is rather weak. So they had more naked female statues in ancient times? There are also way more female models in magazines, nude women on the internet and images of the female body in art in the modern world. Yet a plethora of female pornography is hardly an indicator of respect for the female form.

Paganism represents many different things to different people. In this blog alone, I cannot say what Paganism is and what it is not. Yet to me, it represents a Spirituality that is more in tune with nature, with the energy manifest in the natural world. Both the Masculine and Feminine energies permeate nature.

I think many in the modern world today are lost. There are many men and women who do not know who they are, because there are countless magazines and television shows telling them what it means to be a “real woman” or a “real man.” All of course designed to make you feel insecure and buy more things.

Yet reading Ancient Mythology can often function as a mirror to reflect upon us the truth of our own natures. These are timeless values remembered and restored because they worked. There are male Gods who are cultured and musical like Apollo, Odin who was wise and loving to his wife, horned Celtic Gods who were wild and free. I’m not saying there is one way to be male or female, but it is helpful to read the ancient myths to see which Gods resonate with you.

What is God to me? I believe the Gods are many and one. All the multi-faceted faces representing the energy of the divine, shining on the multitude sides of a diamond. God as a male is a force of fertility and wisdom. He ploughs the field so that she may bare fruit. He is the brightness of a sun giving life and intensity, while the gentle light of the moon gives comfort and relief. Although that is merely my opinion, I entice you to find your own.

Some Notes on the Male Deity by the Pagan Federation

Facebook: A Place For Male Witches

EDIT: Shortly after writing this article, I found a relevant quote in Scott Cunningham’s “Wicca: A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner.”

“The Goddess and God are equal; neither is higher or more deserving of respect. Though some Wiccans focus their rituals toward the Goddess and seem to forget the God entirely, this is a reaction to centuries of stifling patriarchal religion, and the loss of acknowledgement of the feminine aspect of Divinity. Religion based entirely on feminine energy, however, is  as unbalanced and unnatural as one totally masculine in focus. The ideal is a perfect balance of the two. The Goddess and God are equal: complementary.”

Fade to Black


An ominous video about the fate of the planet and the human race.

Are we speeding towards progress?

Or driving into a dark oblivion?

Will the twilight of a new world fade to black?

Only time will tell.

Original Source: Underground Web World

Twilight of the Thunder Gods – Amon Amarth

9 out of 10 vikings approve this message

Need some music to sword fight and pillage to? Check out my Amon Amarth favorite. Yes, yes I know this song came out back in 2008, but I love it so much that I decided it must be spread on the internet like a 13th century plague. Okay! Bad example! But I digress. The Twilight of the Thunder Gods album as a whole stood out to me more than the other Amon Amarth albums. As vikings they upgraded from raiding monastaries, to pillaging the Vatican and burning the pope’s underwear. Okay, bad example again!

Yet there is definitely something different about this album. Could it be that they got the guitarist Roope Latvala from Children of Bodom to play a solo track on this song? Could it be that they got the Cello metal folks from Apocalyptica and the vocalist, Lars Petrov from Entombed to contribute to other songs on the album. Nah. I just think they were a little extra viking the day they made this album.

Side note: apparently the sword fighting in this video is not that accurate – but is the sword fighting in any metal video that realistic?

When They Say Warriors of Ice and Steel…

…this isn’t exactly the first thing you think of.

Woman Shaman

For the last 2,000 years of human history, the role of female spiritual leaders has been cast in shadow.

In this time we have seen a shift to Patriarchy in many of the world’s cultures.

Women who once provided a role as healers and diviners in the community

were accused of witch craft, heresy or other crimes to solidify the power of Male Priests.

The movie above shows a different story.

An ancient story.

The truth about women’s roles in spirituality and magick.

Both the Masculine and Feminine energies of the Divine are necessary in our lives.

One without the other provides for a grave unbalance.