Posts tagged “environmental

A March for Science in DC Set for Earth Day 2017


In response to an Administration and Congress that seems hostile to science — particularly in regards to climate change — there is going to be a March for Science in Washington DC, this year, on Earth Day.

There are also a growing constellation of marches around the nation set for that day.

What began as a Reddit conversation has grown into a movement of scientists and science lovers standing up for evidenced-based policy making and inclusivity in the science community.

The date of the march isn’t just an average Saturday. April 22 is Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970.

The original Earth Day is seen by many as a turning point in the environmental movement. The year itself also marks a major turning point for the U.S. government and environmental policy. In 1970, Richard Nixon signed the Environmental Protection Agency into existence and it began operating that December.

I usually don’t post politically oriented stuff on here, but I think this goes beyond politics. It is dangerous to me when politicians have so little regard for facts and scientific reality. Somewhere around 99% of scientists around the world state that climate change is a reality, whereas only 50% of U.S. politicians agree with this. Without support for the greatest minds our society has to offer, we’re not going to go anywhere as a country or as a people. It was hostility to intellectualism that thrust Europe into the Dark Ages. There is so much potential in our day and age. Potential to explore the stars. Potential to power our cities with sunshine and wind. Potential to unlock the secrets of the human mind and genome. We can’t give that all up now out of fear and hate.

So if you’re interested in standing up for science, definitely check out this link.

Update: I just joined a chat room with the organizers. So I’ll post more updates if I get any relevant information that needs to be posted here.


Jill Janus of Huntress Describes Her Life Long Battle with Mental Illness



It is not uncommon for a very creative person to suffer from mental illness, especially living in today’s world, which can be very unfriendly and cruel towards creative people.

Jill Janus, the talented vocalist of Huntress describes the challenge of living with mental illness along with a recent cancer diagnosis.

I wish this heavy metal heroine all the best. Sending some positive vibes her way.

Don’t forget. The new Huntress album ‘Static’ comes out September 25th!



Even though this is a cover, I think it demonstrates the incredible range and power of Jill’s voice.

The Huntress Official Website

The Huntress Facebook

Top 10 Environmental Documentaries of 2013


Good Bye 2013!

Let’s usher out the old year by watching some of the best Environmental Documentaries of 2013

See them here

Happy New Year All!

Perhaps these documentaries can inspire us to have a more environmentally aware new year.

Earth Day Tips Followed up by Some “Environ-Metal”


Happy Earth Day Everyone! Go outside and enjoy yourself some nature. But don’t forget, every day is Earth Day. Every day of life, ever breathe of clean air, every morsel of food we eat, or glass of water we drink is a precious gift from the Earth. Let’s think of things we can do to give our thanks and give back.


  • Plant a tree 
  • Get together with some people and clean a park or pick up other litter.
  • Make a greater commitment to recycle
  • Shop at a local farmers market
  • Try to cut down on your carbon emissions by biking or taking the bus when you can.


  • Small scale tasks in our day to day lives are noble gestures, but ultimately, it is large scale government policies that are needed to get this planet back on track. So what government policies are needed? 
  • Cuts to carbon emissions.
  • More funding for Renewable Energy Technology such as Solar and Wind energy. Fracking and Natural Gas are not realistic alternatives.
  • More funding for public transportation projects, since these give out less pollution than cars.
  • A firm commitment to protect what is left of the world’s rain forests and other natural landscapes.

Of course these solutions won’t completely save the day, but it’s a start. In the meantime, enjoy some environ-metal…hurhurhur.

Ozzy Osbourne – Revelation (Mother Earth)

Black Sabbath – Hole in the Sky 

Testament – Green House Effect 

Cattle Decapitation – Regret and The Grave

Two Steps From Hell – Protectors of the Earth 

Environmental Stewardship – A Religious Issue?

Changing Public Policy Through Spiritual Perception

The land is endowed with many spirits. It is sacred. Paganism and Earth based Spirituality is keenly aware of this fact.

Unfortunately, not all religions are.

The data shows that religious ideals can effect public policy and even how people vote.

(Data From Enviroknow)

Popular political issues in terms of religion are reducing poverty and preventing abortion.

Yet the desire to reduce pollution and climate change are at the bottom of the list.

Imagine how society would change, if more people connected with the Earth at a spiritual level, rather than just looking at it as a data point or as a resource for consumption.

And for the Judeo Christians out there, even the bible states that lessons can be learned from the Earth.

Job 12:7-10. But ask the animals, and they will teach you; or birds of the air
and they will tell you; or speak to the earth and it will teach you; or let the fish
of the sea inform you.

And that we are responsible for the land’s care:

Lev. 25:23-24. The land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants.
Throughout the country that you hold as a possession, you must provide for the
redemption of the land.

Original Article Here