Posts tagged “first

Amon Amarth”First Kill” (from Jomsviking)

Above is a (relatively) new Amon Amarth video released January 25th, 2016. ‘First Kill’ is from Amon Amarth’s new album, Jomsviking, available March 25th. Album Pre-order + North American Pre-sale Tickets available now at

The production quality of this video is excellent. I also appreciate that the vikings in this video are dressed in a way that is closer to the way historians believe the vikings dressed, rather than what is typically depicted in the media. For instance, much of the way the characters on the History Channel’s ‘Vikings’ dress is more like leather outfits from the biker bar.

I’m guessing the album itself is about the Jomsvikings, a semi-legendary order of Viking mercenaries, or brigands, in the 10th and 11th century. They were staunchly Pagan and dedicated to the worship of deities such as Odin and Thor. They reputedly would fight for any lord able to pay their substantial fees and occasionally fought alongside Christian rulers. Although they were Pagan, the institutions of the Jomsvikings in some ways anticipated those of the Christian Knightly Orders of the later Middle Ages.

In terms of song writing, Amon Amarth doesn’t disappoint. Catchy. Fun. Bad ass.

Don’t miss their 2016 tour as they pillage a town near you.

United Kingdom’s First Gay, Pagan Wedding Held in Scotland




Cue the soundtrack of Billy Idol’s “It’s a nice day for a white wedding,” and replace that with, “It’s a nice day for a Gaaay Wedding!”

I would like to send forth a major congratulations to Tom Lanting, 34, and Iain Robertson, 39, who were the first two to have both a gay and pagan wedding in Scotland. The couple has been together for 12 years, but has just recently tied the knot. Since they both describe themselves as hedge witches, they had a ceremony where they casted a circle, invoked the elements, handfasted (which involves tying the hands together), shared mead and jumped the broom.

After Sunday’s wedding, the couple said: “As hedge witches we always wanted to have a pagan marriage ceremony in line with our beliefs and it was really important to us to be able to share this ceremony with our friends and family.”

Scotland is the only part of the U.K. to allow pagans and other religious minorities to solemnise legal weddings.

Louise Park, the presiding officer for the Pagan Federation (Scotland), conducted the ceremony. She said: “Equality for people of all faiths is something that is very dear to the vast majority of pagans.”

Hopefully we see more of this kind of thing in the future to come for Scotland.


Since I mentioned it I might as well post it. Not metal, but a bit of cheesy 80’s magic.