Posts tagged “vision

New Behemoth Video “Messe Noire”, H. R. Giger Tribute, Includes Sharon of Toxic Vision

“I believe in Satan
Who rend both heavens and earth
And in the Antichrist
His dearly misbegotten
The anguish ov our future
A Bastard spawned from lie
Born ov a harlot nun
Reign high in luxury
Aloft the kings ov man”

– Messe Noire Lyrics

Behemoth’s grim new video is a tribute to the Swiss surrealist H. R. Giger.

Giger is most famous for his role in the award winning visuals of the film Alien. He was named to the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2013. Giger is well known for his depiction of human bodies and machines in a cold, interconnected (and often sexual) relationship. His works primarily feature nightmarish, demonic and alienesque landscapes.

The music video above is inspired by Giger’s surreal style, with its focus on large demonic doors, as well as Sharon’s attachment to an occult and demonic machine that drains her blood. The story depicted is the fall of an archangel and his triumphant rise as Lucifer.

I can definitely see much of Sharon Ehman’s own artistic bent in the video as well. Sharon Ehman of Toxic Vision is without a doubt a fucking genius and the top designer of metal and occult inspired style in today’s world.

The director of the video is Zev Deans of Panorama Programming.

Zev Deans said the following about this video: “The story of Lucifer’s fall, followed by his defiant rebirth, reminds me of Nergal’s own personal struggles of recent years. Like Lucifer, Behemoth has recovered from hardship, and they are stronger than ever. With Messe Noire, I was lucky enough to work with some of the most talented people in the genre. I owe the success of this project to the intense SACRIFICE that Sharon and the rest of team gave to this work.




(Sharon Ehman of Toxic Vision, as “Abysmal Queen”)

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Zev Deans Panorama Programming