Posts tagged “naked

Rik Garrett’s “Earth Magic” Photography Book – Witches of the Earth


Rik Garrett‘s “Earth Magic” photo series has recently been collected into a book, and is now for sale here (US) and here (International). “Earth Magic” portrays women in nature, in a raw, but very natural way. The women are one with the landscape of the wood, mysterious weavers of the weird within the forest’s primordial depths.

In the making and binding of the book, Garrett was inspired by the style of the Malleus Maleficarum, which was a sort of pocket-book for witch hunters in the 15th century. Garret’s intent is obviously more positive, but his theme is similar. If you are looking for witches in the forest – this is what they might look like.

Each book contains 13 photos (like the number of members in a coven) and each book is different. The pictures are picked from a pool of 30 total photos and randomized. So even if you buy two books, they will most likely be different.

Here are some photos from the Earth Magic series:





So Jill Janus of Huntress Was Naked? So What?


This weekend as I checked out my usual blogs for the latest Metal News, I noticed the internet was crammed of the gossips clamoring about “OMGz…Jill put a picture of herself naked and puking on her facebook.” Or, “Er Mer Gerds! Did you know she was a topless DJ?”

You know what I think? I really don’t care. Did you know that I too am naked under my clothes as are you? Nudity isn’t really a big deal until people make it a big deal. The metal sphere erupted with the story when Jill Janus posted a picture of herself naked and puking after she got food poisoning and had to cancel a concert in Germany. She did it as a joke and somewhat of an apology for having to cancel the show. Male musicians have done similar things in the past and the internet barely made a ripple.

Revocation posted humorous pictures of one of their tours with some of their members in their underwear or with pee bottles they used in the van. Then of course there is the fact that Gwar performs onstage with giant fake phallus’s, or the iconic picture of The Red Hot Chili Peppers wearing nothing but a sock.

Isn’t it interesting how male nudity is funny, but that female nudity gets people angry? Isn’t it interesting that when male musicians are almost naked or do crude things people laugh and move on, but when a female does it she’s “shamelessly using her body” to get attention?

This brings to attention the idea that women aren’t allowed autonomy over their own bodies. The female form must be something that is moderated and controlled by a force other than herself. There are many debates over whether women should or shouldn’t wear religious head coverings (the hijab), when it should be their own personal choice. Yet there is barely a peep when male Sikhs cover their hair for the same reasons. When a male rock star or rapper poses with a bevy of almost naked or scantily clad women in a video, nobody accuses him of using sex appeal, rather than talent to get ahead. Yet when a woman uses her own body and sexual charms to advertise her music, people accuse her of being a talentless hack. Maybe a woman can be sexy AND talented? Eh eh?

Anyways, so enough of my rantings. Here is one woman’s awesome response to the media over-reacting to her anatomy rather than her music.


also, here is an example of Jill’s awesome voice.


The Naked Truth About Female Fantasy Armor


Ever want to kick ass as a female character in a game, only to discover that your armor is about as sturdy as a packet of toothpicks? There were female warriors in the ancient Norse and Celtic world. But realistically most of them were wearing more than a chain mail bikini and they certainly weren’t fighting in stiletto heels. I know, I know, I know; modern day fantasy games and movies aren’t a historical truth. It’s just for fun. But here is a solution below, to the female armor problem that I quite like.

Female Fantasy Armor Sucks: College Humor Video Solution

Also check out this blog: Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor